What a view. Recumbent Jim. We had just been climbing a few thousand feet, coming around this bend we saw Mt Hood in our rear view mirrors and had to stop for a Photo shot.

On our way to Ka-Nee-Tah Indian Resort where we are staying overnight. We were on US 26 at this time. Soon we would turn on to Rte 9 and away from the pine trees and lush green, into the high desert. We had been climbing and decending all morning. This was at about mile 45 on the route.

On rte 9 on the way to the Indian resort/casino. I think that is Mt Jefferson. This is Christine L. She was my room mate on the 2001 tour. She did not do this part of the route back then, so all was new to her. She is on the staff of ABB this time, and is such a cheerleader to us all. Today she got to ride part of the route between SAG stops.

Sweet! Notice the little bouquets of mountain flowers on our snack table at mile 45 rest stop. My mom always put flowers on the table, no matter what! So it was a nice reminder of her when I saw the flowers.
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