Some sort of mountain flower, I think they said it was Mountain Snowball. Correct me in the 'comments' if you know what this is. It was on our snack table!

The tripple tandem riders. All wearing red poke-dot shirts today. They are super moutain goats, and can get this thing right up these inclines. Pretty impressive

This old abandon church sits our in the high desert on the Indian Reservation. We were riding through a box cave area, and it was HOT! Couldn't help but think a lot of prayers were offered up at one time in this old building. God is with us still. Click on any photo to enlarge

Another view in the high desert of Mr Jefferson. We saw sage brush for the first time today. It was a beautiful color that blanketed all the land all along the way. We'll be seeing this sage brush a lot in the next few days.
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