Downtown Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Coming into the historic section at the intersection of 8th Street the Budweiser Beer brewry can be seen. It is a very large opertation. Directly behind that is Lake Michigan and the area where we all congregated to board the SS Badger boat. Standing on the corner is Nancy A.
Back at the hotel we had to load our luggage on to 'Box' at 9:00 AM and that left plenty of time for us to cycle the 3 miles to the ferry boat. Most everyone explored the downtown and found coffee shops or places to pick up some sandwiches to take along to eat later on the boat.

Jim L. more than enjoyed his hot chocolate with whip cream on top. It was a "Got Milk?" moment. Quite a few stopped in at Lewy's cafe to drink and eat.

A popular spot was Lewy's Cafe, as you can see by the line up of bicycles.

The ferry boat SS Badger is arriving. After it docked passengers that had come from Ludington, MI got off and the cars came off as well. Then a crew loaded an 18 wheeler open top truck with coal, three times, and back it on to the steam boat and dumped the coal fuel on to the ships lower belly. We walked our bicycles on to the ship about 12:30 PM and then went up to one of the three upper deck areas to relax and enjoy (?) the four hour 60 miles across Lake Michigan from Manitowoc, WI to Ludington, MI. We lost an hour in time as we enter the eastern time zone. The boat arrived and docked at 6:15 PM. It was threatening rain, so we hurried to the motel. Most stopped along the way though to get some dinner. Since this was considered a "rest day", ABB does not provide a meal and we were on our own. I was anxious to just get in to the motel and prepare things for the 115 mile ride the next morning so I had something to eat at Wendy's. The baked potato, chili soup, and yogart, and milk was fuel enough for me.
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