A neat mailbox, I bet this owner is a bicyclist! This unique design was homemade to took like the old fashion Penny Farthing bike. They used a tractor seat for the saddle, an old set of bike handle bars, and a heavy chain holds the mailbox to the large buggy wheel. This was on the road in the early morning on the way out of Mountain Home, ID. Click on any of the photos to enlarge them.

Lois, Chuck and I were out on the road at the butt crack of dawn and saw an incredible sun rise coming over the mountains around Mountain Home, ID. We stopped to take some pictures. Behind me off in the distance you could see the lights of the Mt. Home US Airforce Base. Chuck said he had flown in and out of that base many times. He said that plane (the one I posted in the photos yesterday) in town was old F1-11 super sonic flighter jet. He said he flew those many times too. His comment was: "They were a bear to fly!"

In the very early morning the sun shone on this lone worker hoeing in the field. Her red shirt made her really stand out against the green crop.

At about 75 miles into the ride we passed miles and miles of dairy farms. Here is a shot of some cows all lined up eating their food. We saw this scene many times today.
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