Here we are at breakfast in the Holiday Inn at Port Huron, MI. We ate at the hotel today (Friday, July 28) and then assembled to cross the bridge into Canada at Sarnia, Ontario. We were all wearing our official issued ABB jersey today. It looks pretty impressive to see all 55 of us wearing the jersey, we really stand out. Going across the bridge was quite a production. The authorities stopped all traffic and led us as a single group across the high level bridge. When we got to the Canadian border the non-US citizens were called forward to present their passports to be stamped. The rest of us did not have to show ID. ABB staff had given the list of all our names and pertinent information several days in advance so they could get each name checked out. One guy did get a call from the Canadian authorities as a "wanted" on their list had the same exact name and the same birth date as our rider. But on questioning him on the phone this hair color and eye colors and places he had lived didn't match with the guy they were looking for. We held up traffic for about 45 minutes. I can imagine all those semi-trucks waiting behind us to cross the bridge were not really happy. Then another hold up happened. The authority looked at our route sheet and saw that we would be running into several miles of construction. So we continued to wait and they stopped all the traffic on the other side of the road (traffic that was leaving Canada). Then we were led in front of this stopped traffic and out on to a road that took us around the construction. It did add a mile to the route, but it was a good road, and we were glad for not having to go through the tie-up of construction. The roads in Canada are pretty good, but all the roads have NO shoulders, so we are hanging on to the white line (when there is one) the whole time we are on the roads. It was another day of rain threatening, but we escaped the rains again!

Kent models this t-shirt that sums up our days: Eat, Sleep, Pedal . . . Repeat.

The "Final Four" as we call them who stop for anything and everything all along the route found a sign that said "Pick Your Own Raspberries". Of course they stopped and picked! Here at route rap Lois passed around the beautiful and delicious berries. The next day there was a sign that said "pick your own blueberries". Guess what, we had blueberries at route rap! Such fun.
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